Internet Authoring

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I can not imagine how would be to live one month in a locked place. I wonder how the Chilean miners are living trapped 700 meters underground. This accident has already completed one month and 21 days. According to the "rescue officials" they will be removed from the tunnel in November.
An interesting fact of that story is how digital media are helping to keep the miners alive. They're communicating with rescuers and doctors through micro cameras sent by all of the ventilation tunnel. Also are keeping in touch with family and getting entertainment devices such as iPods with favourites songs and portable games as PSP. They can watch soccer matches and movies by mini hd projectors as well.
I know that to be living in a "hole" should be a nightmare but it could be worse without the digital media devices.
I hope everything goes well!!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Getting started

Hi, I'm starting to get familiar with media tools, among them the Blog. Here I'll try to write some personal opinions about digital media communication.